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Dickinson Elementary School

Home of the Dolphins

Welcome to Dickinson Elementary

Welcome to Dickinson Elementary

Upcoming Events

  • Read A Thon
    Read A Thon
  • Early Release Day
    Early Release Day
  • Spring Book Festival
    Spring Book Festival

General Information

  • Mission, Vision, and Core Values

  • School Hours   2024-2025

  • This year to ensure your child's safety all change of transportation notes must be sent to the front office or you can call by 2:00PM to make a change. Teachers need to focus on instruction during the day so please do not send them any emails for a change. Please call the front office at 832-223-1400. There is a form below you can print and have for your file in case you want to send in a note. A handwritten note will be accepted as well. Thank you for your understanding!

    Transportation Change Form

  • Channon Almendarez

    Channon Almendarez

    Dickinson Principal

    Angela Peters

    Angela Peters

    Dickinson Elementary Assistant Principal
















  • Darline Weist

    Adminstrative Assistant

    Elva Rodriguez

    Attendance Clerk

    Alyson Jarvis

    School Nurse

    Suzanne Lowe

    School Counselor

  • 2024-2025

    Collared (polo style, no logo) solid color navy blue, light blue, red or white tops. Dickinson school shirts may be worn any day of the week. Bottoms, including leggings may be solid khaki, navy blue or black pants, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers. If leggings or tights are worn, they must be under shorts, skirts, or jumpers. Blue denim jeans permitted on Friday with a school spirit shirt.

  • Please make sure that students are not keeping toys and trinkets on their lanyards.  The only allowable items are brag tags and the tiny dolphin students receive for positive office referrals. 

    Lanyard Expecatations - 2024-2025

  • School Cafe


    To make a payment on your child's account, please login to

    To contact help for ParentOnline questions, please call 855-729-2328 or email

    To put restrictions on your child's account, please call 832-223-0180 or login to your student's account in

  • Dickinson Elementary has tremendous support from a dedicated team of volunteers. Our volunteers spend approximately 1000 hours per month working in the library, workroom, and helping individual teachers with special projects. The administration at Dickinson is "parent friendly" and encourages parental involvement both at school and at home.

    We also have a very active and supportive PTO. The PTO publishes a monthly newsletter available online so that parents can be kept apprised of school activities and upcoming events. The PTO has been responsible for fundraising and promoting school and community spirit through various family-oriented activities.

  • Instruction at Dickinson is enriched with many exciting cutting-edge learning opportunities. Students are encouraged to expand and use knowledge as they participate in programs such as Raz-Kids, Reading Plus, DreamBox, UIL, and Student Council just to name a few. Dickinson also offers after-school tutorials for students in grades 3-5 who need extra encouragement to succeed.

  • Ron Clark Color Out Days Expectations

  • Social Media

2024-2025 School Year Information

Home of the Dickinson Dolphins!

  • Instructional Leadership Team
    Instructional Leadership Team
  • Ron Clark Staff House
    House of Altruismo
  • Ron Clark Staff House
    House of Isibindi
  • Ron Clark Staff House
    House of Amistad
  • Ron Clark Staff House
    House of Reveur